[GSBN] Just how big is natural building?

Bruce King bruce at ecobuildnetwork.org
Sun May 13 19:27:36 UTC 2012

Howdy, folks --

Anyone else out there wonder just how many people are knowledgeable  
about, interested in, and/or wild about natural building?

Me, too, and I'd like to start to map the territory for a group  
conversation at the upcoming International Straw Bale Building  
Conference in Colorado in September.  Which will of course really be  
about natural building in general.

Here's just a first pass.  I would really appreciate if you could fill  
me in on what's happening in your area or country.

Organization			location or base	    	Membership
(however "organized" 									(Even if you don't have "members", how  
many people receive
you may or may not be)									your mailings / ever wrote you a check?)

CASBA						California, USA				????
COSBA						Colorado, USA				????
Ecological Building Network	California, USA				1400 / 500
Natural Building Network		???							????
ASRI						Victoria, Canada				????
Builder Without Borders		New Mexico, USA			????
Kleiwerks					North Carolina, USA			????

I KNOW I'm forgetting organizations even here in North America, much  
less on the other side of various ponds, so please help me here.   
Results, once collated, will of course be public.


Bruce King
bruce at bruce-king.com
(415) 987-7271
Twitter: @brucekinggreen
blog: http://bruceking.posterous.com/

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