[GSBN] health (ill) effects of earthen floors

Bruce King bruce at ecobuildnetwork.org
Fri Jan 6 01:56:39 UTC 2012

On Jan 5, 2012, at 5:31 PM, Rob Tom wrote:

>  . . . unusually heavy traffic . . .

Hey out there!  Raise your hand if you love GSBN!  Yes!  Let's give  
ourselves a big Las Vegas THANK you!!!

I really do love GSBN, and should have known that my little "dirt  
floors make you sick" article would fire up the keyboards.  Many  
thanks to all of you who have written on this and other posts, not  
that I think for a moment that you're done, and please keep being  
GSBN.  Particular thanks to Derek for unearthing what proved to be  
bad, or at least dubious, science/journalism, and as always to Bill  
Christensen (another big Las Vegas THANK you!!!) for holding this list  


Bruce "Call me Hookworm" King
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