[GSBN] Engineer registered in New York

ejgeorge at riseup.net ejgeorge at riseup.net
Thu Mar 26 12:48:50 UTC 2015

Hello Caroline,

There are two earthships in our area of upstate NY, one of which we 
ended up helping out on considerably. Plans can be stamped by either a 
NY licensed architect or engineer.

Our go-to NY engineer for all things natural building is
Jim Luckner
James W. Luckner, PE
PO Box 414
High Falls, NY 12440
Phone: (845)626-5414

For the earthship we helped with, the plans had been stamped by a local 
Ernie Bayles
Ernie Bayles, Architect

I'm not sure who stamped the other set of plans, but could find out if 
your friend needs more options.
Or if you know what area of NY he plans to build, I can ask around for 
other references.

I HIGHLY recommend your friend touch base with other earthship 
owner/builders in the northeast. As you may know, earthships were 
designed for dry climates so standard plans and the official Earthship 
folks don't have much experience dealing with moisture issues, 
particularly ground moisture - a significant concern in these parts. A 
number of the suggestions for moisture management they gave were 
inadequate or impractical or unlikely to meet NY code, so finding out 
how other folks redesigned these aspects of the building and how well 
they are working would be very helpful info for him. I can pass on the 
two local contacts if you like.



ej George
Tugley Wood Timberframing
6301 Searsburg Road
Trumansburg, NY 14886

On 2015-03-26 07:15, Caroline Meyer White wrote:
> Hey,
> A good friend of mine is immigrating. He has developed all the material 
> for
> a building application for an earthship house that he wants to 
> construct in
> upper New York state. He needs a licensed engineer in New York to 
> approve
> it. From Denmark, I have no better place to start then asking you :)
> If you are such a dude, or know one, please let me know, fine off list.
> Kindly,
> Caroline
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