[GSBN] Square footage of straw-bale homes

Derek Roff derek at unm.edu
Fri May 13 14:15:58 UTC 2011

--On Friday, May 13, 2011 8:27 AM +0930 Bohdan Dorniak 
<bdco at adam.com.au> wrote:

> Architects design something like 5% of houses; it may be less.

I appreciate the information and viewpoint that you are providing. 
I'm curious about the 5% figure.  Are you saying that no architect is 
involved in the design of the other 95% of the houses that are built? 
I thought that the large scale builders still employed architects.

I also wonder how you see the impact of architects' influence on the 
market, style, trends, and people's desires.  Every home that appears 
in Fine Homebuilding, Dwell, and other style setting magazines has an 
architect credited with the design.  All the high-profile homes, 
which other people aspire to imitate and copy, are designed by 
architects.  I can appreciate that an architect can't design 
buildings that the client doesn't want or won't pay for.  But the 
desires, dreams, and illusions of the masses and elites are coming 
from somewhere.  How do you see architects influence in the process 
of creating the image that people aspire to, and the expectations and 
choices around house size and sustainable living?


Derek Roff
Language Learning Center
Ortega Hall 129, MSC03-2100
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Internet: derek at unm.edu

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