[GSBN] Square footage of straw-bale homes

Andrew Webb andrew at thegreenwebb.com
Thu May 12 23:23:08 UTC 2011

Bohdan is correct too.  Another point is that the majority of large and 
small companies responsible for 95% or more of the housing market are 
predominantly run not by builders, architects or designers, but by 
accountants, marketers, those with business backgrounds.  Design has 
little to do with most housing short of selling a product.  Their 
unrealistic, and frequently deceptive (just look at the exclusions), 
advertised prices give people a warped idea of what it costs to build 
something well.  Marketing is less about giving people what they need 
and much more to do with telling people that what they need is what you 
are selling - how many on this list /need/ to browse the internet from 
your phone, for example?  One of the best books on this is "The Lorax" 
by Dr. Seuss!


On 13/05/2011 8:57 AM, Bohdan Dorniak wrote:
> Derek
> What Andrew says is correct. Architects are generally taught 
> sustainable design and I remember being taught to look at "architect's 
> bibles" like the AJ Metric Handbook - which gave minimum spaces 
> required for various functional rooms to design. There are many such 
> standards around.
> Maybe the high volume builders need to employ architects.
> I have many owner designers produce monstrous houses in the name of 
> "green design".
> Bohdan
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