[GSBN] Square footage of straw-bale homes

John Glassford jacksflat at gmail.com
Thu May 12 05:01:38 UTC 2011

G ' day Bohdan and Graeme

I agree 100% with all your sentiments.

All too often architects/designers do not design to a budget.

We advise all our clients to thinks carefully about size, as a straw bale
house designed by an architect and built 100% by professionals, is not going
to be cheaper than a similar build in other materials.

In fact we tell our clients that building costs today can start from $1,500
per square metre and go upwards from there.

With owner builders it becomes near on impossible to provide accurate
estimations as there are so many unknowns involved.

I think this applies to any form of building and always buyer beware and
prepared should be the motto.

Straw bale can cost a whole lot less however it can also cost much much

Then there are ongoing benefits from straw bale building such as energy
savings over the lifetime of the building to consider on the positive side
of the equation.

Small is beautiful and if one fourth the size of an average building can be
sustainable no matter what you build it from, within reason.

Bohdan be wary of naming and shaming these days as court cases are extremely
stressful and expensive mate!

My 2 bobs worth.

Kind regards
The Straw Wolf
Huff 'n' Puff Constructions
61 2 6927 6027
In Australia (02) 6927 6027

Mountains of the Moon 2011
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