[GSBN] TLS#62/Putting a Project Together

Joyce Coppinger jc10508 at windstream.net
Tue May 18 16:00:12 UTC 2010

Here at the TLS office I receive calls and emails from potential
owner/builders - and an occasional builder or contractor - about how to put
a straw-bale project together. So TLS at 62 will put some of the answers down
on paper.

People ask about codes/council approval, can they get insured during
construction and as a home owner. how can they find funding these days, how
to find and hire a builder or a contractor or an architect or an engineer,
where to find bales and so on.

There will be a future issue focused All About Bales, so I'm looking now for
articles containing basic information about how to put a project together -
and would like to include contact information for sources and resources,

Would be good to include the perspective of an architect, engineer, builder,
owner/builder, and all others involved in putting a project together (real
estate agent or appraiser, funder or lender, insurer, codes official or
inspector) about how they put a project together. Actually this may be as
important if not more so and more informative to everyone.

Would welcome your contributions. I'll start working on the content layout
for this issue by August - so there's a bit of time to send in your article.
This isn't just for U.S. contributors, I'd really appreciate hearing from
those from other countries as well!

Throughout the summer I'll be working on updating the TLS resource guide,
which means I'll be asking you for help with this major undertaking as well.

Thanks for all our help and support! Can't do it without you all.

Joyce Coppinger
Managing Editor/Publisher
The Last Straw, the international journal
of strawbale and natural building
PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706
402.483.5135, fax 402.483.5161
<thelaststraw at thelaststraw.org>
web site: www.thelaststraw.org
and our new blog at http://thelaststrawblog.org

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