[GSBN] Update The Last Straw Journal

Joyce Coppinger jc10508 at windstream.net
Tue May 18 15:45:02 UTC 2010

TLS#60/Details issue will be posted to the online order system on the TLS
web site in June. If you have contacted me and I have switched your
subscription over to the PDF version, you will be notified when it's posted
and available for you to download.

If not, and you want to switch over to the PDF (to save TLS postage and
printing costs and reduce paper consumption - and because it looks great
with color images when they are available, and the content is exactly the
same as the print/bound issue), send me an email an I'll set up an account
and get you connected for the PDF version.

If not, there will be a wait for the print/bound version to be mailed until
funds and time are available...but it will happen. Plan is to mail #59 and
#60 print/bound copies together.

If you aren't a current subscriber, please support TLS in this way. TLS
needs more subscribers, more back issue purchases, more sponsors, and your
content contributions, too. Helps spread the word.

Joyce Coppinger
Managing Editor/Publisher
The Last Straw, the international journal
of strawbale and natural building
PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706
402.483.5135, fax 402.483.5161
<thelaststraw at thelaststraw.org>
web site: www.thelaststraw.org
and our new blog at http://thelaststrawblog.org

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