[GSBN] BWB Newsletter - Haiti

Derek Roff derek at unm.edu
Fri Jan 22 04:21:42 UTC 2010

FYI,  below is the most recent Builders Without Borders mailing to our  
mailing list.  We _won't_ be sending GSBN the multiple mailings  
mentioned below, but we will keep you informed of our project plans.

Catherine Wanek and Derek Roff

As I am sure is true for most of you, Catherine and I have been  
researching ways to make a meaningful and effective contribution to  
the situation in Haiti.  We will soon send information about a  
possible approach for Builders Without Borders, and you, our members,  
to be directly involved.  In the meantime, we would like to forward to  
you information about a small number of effective, established  
organizations, which you might not hear about otherwise.  We promise  
not to stuff your mailboxes, but expect two or three mailings over the  
next few days.

Catherine Wanek and Derek Roff
Co-Directors, Builders Without Borders

In response to the Earthquake destruction in Haiti, Builders Without  
Borders would like to recommend these avenues to contribute:

Solar Cookers for Haiti: One of Haiti's most serious problems in the  
coming months will be access to safe drinking water. This combined  
with a serious and growing shortage of fuel has now reached crisis  
proportions.  With a solar cooker it is possible to pasteurize several  
liters of drinking water every day using only the light of the sun.

Friends of Haiti Organization is working with U.S.-based Sun Ovens  
International to provide the people of Haiti with solar cookers.  Sun  
Ovens Intl has been operating in Haiti for the past eleven years.   
Donations marked (For purchase of Sun Ovens) will be used only to buy  
solar cookers that will be distributed in Haiti.  On January 28, 2010  
FOHO in partnership with Feed My Starving Children will be sending a  
shipping container with 270,000 meals and Sun Ovens to Port au Prince  
Haiti. There is room for additional Sun Ovens to be included with this  
shipment and additional shipments are being planned.  Contributions to  
Friends of Haiti can only be sent by check.  (FOHO is a 501C3  
nonprofit organization so all donations will be tax deductable. 100%  
of the donation will go directly to sending Sun Ovens to Haiti no  
administrative expenses will be deducted. FOHO has been working in  
Haiti for 45 years and has sent over 1,400 Global Sun Ovens and 12  
Villager Sun Ovens to Haiti.)   Checks should be made payable to the:   
Friends of Haiti Organization, PO Box 222, Holland, OH  43528  (Please  
note the donation is for the Sun Oven project.)

If you prefer to give on line, you can send a donation to Solar  
Cookers International's Haiti Project .  Our colleague Patricia  
McArdle has served on SCI's board of directors for the past three  
years.  SCI is collecting funds for solar Cookits, pots, and reusable  
Water Pasteurization Indicators that will be added to this month's and  
future shipment of Sun Ovens to Haiti.

Architecture For Humanity:   AFH had been set to send a design team to  
Haiti this month to partner with local NGO < http://www.yele.org>
Yele Haiti but have put this on hold until they can get a full  
assessment of the situation. AFH is connected with both Yele and AIDG  
(Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group) at < http:// 
www.aidg.org/> .  AFH is commitmented to supporting both their efforts  
in the long term
rebuilding of affected areas.   They have launched an appeal for  
supplying construction and design professionals and supporting  
earthquake resistant housing and community structures, according to  
Cameron Sinclair, Executive Director of Architecture for Humanity.

A donation to AFH will contribute to these efforts.  All Haiti updates  
will be via this link:  http://www.architectureforhumanity.org/node/1314
Contact AFH at: cameron at architectureforhumanity.org   W: 415 963 3511
Mail contributions to:  Architecture for Humanity, 848 Folsom Street,  
Suite 201, San Francisco, CA 94107-1173

In addition, to support the AFH appeal, please link to their site with  
your social network accounts and/or blogs.

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