[GSBN] Haiti

martin oehlmann moehlmann at wanadoo.fr
Tue Jan 19 12:40:32 UTC 2010

Hi Kim, hi Straw-wolf

thanks a lot for your info on Northern Iraq, Pakistan and Israel. As the political sphere between Israel and the Arabic neighbours remains historically tense, we might consider straw inducing some happyness. The UNEP office in Damascus has appreciated a power-point presentation which I sent last Sunday and is presently figuring out how to finance a ticket for a workshop on January 25, otherwise a friend will held that presentation which will contain your references. 

All the best,

Martin Oehlmann

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: kim thompson 
  To: (private, with public archives) Global Straw Building Network 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 3:24 AM
  Subject: Re: [GSBN] Haiti

  Hi Martin,
  Devorah Braus has been involved with SB and peace initiatives in Israel.  email:   deb2000 at zahav.net.il
  She was or is part of Lotan Kibbutz   http://www.kibbutzlotan.com/creativeEcology/altBuilding/index.htm

  Lots of pictures and experience.



  Kim Thompson

  "Tradition and modernity are merely two sides of the same coin - and must be dealt with simultaneously. Building cannot be a rigid dogma, but a living, organic, ecological project. It is about continuity, based on memory, common sense and experience and is the foundation of invention."   Hasan Uddin Khan

  On 18-Jan-10, at 4:21 PM, martin oehlmann wrote:

    .. thanks ej for the reply, they might reflect sending a ship of bales and other building material to organise earth quake proofed housing....

    Syria: Yesterday I got an inquiry to talk for UNEP in Damascus, there is straw in Northern Syria.
    Anybody knows pictures of straw-bale buildings in the Middle East? I remember that library from Chris Stafford in the United Emerates, yet google does lead to some pictures. Would be great to find some.

    Best wishes,

    Martin Oehlmann

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    GSBN at greenbuilder.com


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