[GSBN] Fwd: Invitation to Dynamic Governance Teleclass

Tim Owen-Kennedy timok33 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 28 20:45:34 UTC 2009

Hi all, Sorry for the bulk mail but I either think you, or someone you know,
or an organization you work with could really benefit from a new governance
model that works towards a higher collaborative sollution rather than the
lowest common denominator. We've been using it with the Natural Building
Network Board and it seems to cut out a lot of the redundant elements of
collective decision making and lead to much more collaboration and lots less
funky processing during meetings.

So I hope you can join us this coming Friday,


Invites you to a tele-seminar about:
Natural Decision-making with
 Dynamic Governance
     To Register:
Click Here!<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102832939285&s=789&e=001jfcTWw9iA9icyW0ZZu7BHezhMUWvI3Ext83if8kPPg9tNFg3KNBVXGRG3_6R1i06k5-23d5wSD36jT_Gam9vFIEkGRoBrOVQIzKl2DeqErN9Ji_G0HQHNw==>


"Dynamic [self-]governance enables highly creative ideas to be raised in a
non-hierarchical fashion - the whole organization gets involved in
Rick Fedrizzi, CEO, U.S. Green Building Council

"Employees become uncommonly empowered and passionate in their jobs; they
love working in the company. It [dynamic self-governance] removes all kinds
of roadblocks to a higher level of innovation and productivity. It's an
evolutionary step in the way to do business."
Sandy Wiggins, Principal, Consilience, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"We work with self-guiding teams. In the past I observed these teams talking
endlessly without coming to a decision. The former managers still had to cut
through a lot of resistance. With the sociocratic [dynamic self-governance]
method, the self-guiding teams make decisions well."
N. den Boer, Director Refinery Safety Department, Shell Oil

"It's phenomenal how it [dynamic self-governance] accesses and makes
available all the intelligence in the group."
Connie Lindholm, Executive Director, Wisconsin Green Building Alliance,
Madison, Wisconsin

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*Dear Tim,*

Are you involved in a business or organization?

Do you have a feeling that the teamwork/decision process/structure could be
optimized to better create efficient productive meetings while representing
the people involved, create more involvement, and less resentment than in
the conventional hierachical structures?

These were issues faced by the NBN board, and we're now in a process of
implementing a system developed in the Netherlands called 'Dynamic
Governance' (Also known as
And we'd like to invite you to join us in the experience!

During two afternoons in December through a telephone seminar, John
of We The People: Consenting to a Deeper Democracy) will cover the
following topics:

-The importance of a common aim
-Consent decision-making (egalitarian like consensus but doesn't get hung up
by people blocking)
-Fun election process that incorporates principles of chaos and
self-organization and doesn't have winners and losers.
-Clear facilitation steps that both give everyone a voice and keep the
meeting on track.

Take the first session, think about it and maybe practice what you learned,
and return for the second session to deepen your skills.

It will be helpful to have a computer to attend the classes, but phone-only
is possible. The format is interactive - with fishbowl type demonstrations
and dialog - and will illustrate ideas with examples and stories related to
natural building.

Dates: December 4 & 11, 2009 - 3:00pm-4:30pm Pacific time.
Cost: $35 total for the two sessions

To Register: Click

For participants outside USA: We recommend dial up through a program such as

If you like the training, there are follow-on courses available similar to
what Jack and I attended last spring in person, or perhaps you want to join
the NBN board's intensive online training sessions during start of 2010:
Especially recommended for those of you with ambitions to join us on the NBN
board or as part of our project teams.

We used dynamic governance with good success at our recent board meeting in
Ukiah, California, and we look forward to sharing the results with you all!
We'll be delighted if member organizations started using it, too!

Questions? Contact Carrie at carrie at nbnetwork.org.

Thanks and hope we'll hear your voice at the tele-seminar!!

On behalf of the board; Carrie Campbell
Natural Building Mama
Natural Building

[image: Your NBN Board]
Your board: Chris, Max, Sasha, Tim, Linda, Carrie, and Jack,
 - Greg Wellman and Tim Reith (not shown)
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This email was sent to timok33 at gmail.com by carrie at nbnetwork.org.
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