[GSBN] a trip to Melbourne in September

David Eisenberg strawnet at aol.com
Mon Jul 14 15:38:04 UTC 2008

Hello all,

I hope this doesn't seem an inappropriate use of this forum, but as I began sorting out details to plan my September trip to Melbourne Australia to present at SB08, it occurred to me that there are a
number of people on this list who are in Australia or New Zealand with whom I would love to explore opportunities to
gather, meet individually, or perhaps schedule presentations or
other events while there. 

And no, SB08 is not a previously undisclosed straw bale conference, but the preeminent and most technically rigorous international Sustainable Building conference, to which I have been invited as a presenter! The conference dates are September 21 - 25 and I'm hoping to come early and stay after to max out what benefits I might contribute on the ground to offset the carbon impact of staying aloft for something like a day and a half, all told (or should it be all tolled?) to get down there and back. 

Plus, I'd like to have a bit of a holiday and some fun...no matter that I may have to work to overcome the stereotypical somber, serious and staid attitudes of folks down under... 

So, if anyone is interested in exploring the possibilities with me for this trip, please write to me offline at strawnet at aol.com (unless there is something that the whole list might benefit from knowing about). 

FYI, the website for SB08 is www.sb08melbourne.com


David Eisenberg
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