<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hello all,<br>
I hope this doesn't seem an inappropriate use of this forum, but as I began sorting out details to plan my September trip to Melbourne Australia to present at SB08, it occurred to me</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> that there are a
number of people on this list who are in Australia or New Zealand with whom I would love to explore opportunities to
gather, meet individually, or perhaps schedule presentations or
other events while there.</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> <br>
And no, SB08 is not a previously undisclosed straw bale conference, but the preeminent and most technically rigorous international Sustainable Building conference, to which I have been invited as a presenter! The conference dates are September 21 - 25 and I'm hoping to come early and stay after to max out what benefits I might contribute on the ground to offset the carbon impact of staying aloft for something like a day and a half, all told (or should it be all tolled?) to get down there and back. <br>
Plus, I'd like to have a bit of a holiday and some fun...no matter that I may have to work to overcome the stereotypical somber, serious and staid attitudes of folks down under... <br>
So, if anyone is interested in exploring the possibilities with me for this trip, please write to me offline at strawnet@aol.com (unless there is something that the whole list might benefit from knowing about). <br>
FYI, the website for SB08 is www.sb08melbourne.com<br>
David Eisenberg<br>
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