[GSBN] Reinforced Monolithic Adobe (Cob) Seismic Testing almost done- tax deductible donations welcomed

kevin rowell kevin at thenaturalbuilders.com
Sun Dec 30 08:35:58 UTC 2018

Great work team!

Offering a humble reflection on this point, there has been some other
relevant work using bamboo as reinforcement of earthen modules that may
have cross method applicability.

 Generally the lifecycle of even treated bamboos is less reliable due to
pest infestation that often take place behind the wall. Earth, humidity and
bamboo create the perfect environ for Beatles and termites .

 It may make it wise to design around that for the moment and loop in these
applications later after correlative studies can be exemplifiede.

In example some work has been done to reinforce from the exterior
previously Un reinforced earthen masonry as a retrofit. Leaving the
reinforcing more observable and maintainable over the serviceable life of
the building. Most recently I’ve seen some seemingly well executed
applications in Royhinga refugee camps in Bangledesh.

So greatful this work has moved forward so Powerfully!

Happy to provide insight and on the lookout for financial backers! ❤️

On Sat, Dec 29, 2018 at 2:45 PM Kyle Holzhueter <
nihondaigaku.kairu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Art,
> Great work!
> I'm curious why bamboo isn't included as a reinforcement method. I
> understand it's probably less predictable than steel, but I suspect it's
> also less susceptible to degrade in earthen walls. My understanding is
> that, in concrete walls, steel tends to corrode as the concrete neutralizes
> over time. In Japan, it's not uncommon to find completely corroded steel,
> like wires and nails, in earthen walls. It's also not uncommon to find
> pristine bamboo in 100 year old earthen walls.
> Kyle
> *************************************************
> Kyle Holzhueter  PhD
> First Degree Certified Plasterer
> Permaculture Center Kamimomi
> Architectural and Regional Ecological Design Studio, Nihon University
> カイル・ホルツヒューター 博士(生物資源科学)
> 一級左官技能士
> パーマカルチャーセンター上籾
> 日本大学大学院 建築・地域共生デザイン研究室
> Mobile: 080-3477-9841
> http://holzhueter.blogspot.com
> https://www.facebook.com/PermacultureKamimomi/
> <http://japaneseplastering.blogspot.jp/>
> *************************************************
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