[GSBN] Prefabricated and/or Modular Natural Building Systems

John Glassford jacksflat at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 23:07:48 UTC 2018

Morning Dirk et al

All good points mate and understood.

Here is my two shillings worth on the discussion.

We have been building with straw bales since 1996-7 after we read about it
in a grass roots magazine called Grass Roots!

We got stuck in and burnt our building bridges after we met Bill and Athena
in Canelo all those years ago.

Since then we have been involved in and helped to build over 200 straw bale
buildings around Australia now 21 years on we have conducted 165 strawbale
building workshops.  We have motivated several thousand would be straw bale
builders and many of these are building or have built with straw bales.

Nearly all have been load bearing!

Dirk unless we move on we will never make a difference.  I am still a
purist and in defense of Tilt Up Panels we call *SITUPS
<https://glassford.com.au/main/sit-up-example/into-mainstream/>* here is my

1.  Our SITUPS are load bearing, no frame required, other than the frame in
the panel!

2.  We are using local straw, local labour and local timbers in the
manufacturing process.

3.  We use local transport to get them on site up to 700 ks away has been
our furthest delivery.  The next one is to Kangaroo Island in South

4.  On site we use and train local builders who take over after delivery
and two days of training.

5.  Above all we are using straw bales that would not normally be baled
just used as low grade fodder and or burnt in the fields.

Most important is the fact that we now have mainstream architects and
builders and clients who see straw bale in a totally different light and
here is an example of this:

*Passive Aussie Straw Bale House

The next BIG step for us will be a portable SITUPS Factory that will make
these panels on site, using local timber, local straw bales local labour,
local craftsmen and women!

Onwards and UPwards Dirk

​The Straw Wolf​


*DGE John Glassford* <http://dgjg9700.com/>

*Coolamon Rotary Club <http://club.coolamonrotary.com/>*
*RAG Endangered Species* <http://www.endangeredrag.org/>

*Huff n Puff <http://glassford.com.au/main/>*

*0498 190 880 <0498%20190%20880>*
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