[GSBN] Where are we at? - From your corner of the world. + Your favorite research / presentation on moisture transport

Caroline Meyer White hojtpaastraa at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 07:51:23 UTC 2018

 Hi everyone.

I am going to present about strawbalebuilding at the Danish national
research Institute's day on building physics. (Denmark is really quite a
third world country when it comes to the established institutions
recognizing any type of diffusion-open building envelope).

I was wondering if somebody out there have a vague idea, how spread out
straw building is now a days?
- How many countries are there bale buildings in?
Perhaps impossible questions - but anything will do :)

Something that shows the "state-of-the art" from your perspective, you are
most welcome to send my way.

If you may have a rough count of what is in your
region/organistion/country, I would be excited to know.

Regarding the all-time-present moisture question: I have Kuba's thesis -
which is great! :). But if you have a favorite presentation / research
document.... anything, that presents the moisture migration issue in a way
that really works for you, I would also be thrilled!!

Bill: Can you share how many are on this list currently? - if that is a
number you have.

All my Best to all of you,

hojtpaastraa at gmail.com
kontakt at glarbowhite.dk


Venlig hilsen

Caroline Meyer White

Rådgivende bygningsdesigningeniør

GLARBO & WHITE ApS - Udførelse & Rådgivning, Byggeri i Naturmaterialer

Tlf.: 40761980, email: kontakt at glarbowhite.dk

Røbrovej 10, 3760 Gudhjem, CVR.: 36507179. Merkurbank, reg.:8401
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