[GSBN] a Cob list serve

Misha Rauchwerger misha.rauchwerger at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 23:50:40 UTC 2014

At the last board meeting of the Cob Research Institute we discussed the
possibility of a dedicated cob list serve, similar to the GSBN, in that it
would be primarily for professionals and specific to technical aspects of
cob, engineering, permitting, testing, connection and other architectural
details, etc.  We didn't want to re-invent the wheel, or start yet another
list unless there was interest.  So I'm starting with you to explore the
possibility and interest level.

1. It's possible to not limit it to cob, but could include earthen
buildings in general
2.  It should be by invitation only, but if it begins through GSBN, then
members already in GSBN would be already on the list if they so chose
3.  We would need a moderator
4.  It could be it's own list, on the GSBN list with specific headers, or
some other permutation that might be able to take advantage of the
structure already set up by GSBN, but only received by members that wish to
participate (if possible).

We are excited to open up the dialogue about this and see where it goes.

Misha Rauchwerger
Built In Bliss

p.s. I attempted to bring the issue up first but emails to
mailman-owner at sustainablesources.com, mailman-request at sustainablesources.com,
and to mailman at 103.greenbuilder.com all failed.  If anybody knows what's
going on, I'd like to know.
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