[GSBN] Straw Bale Insulated Ceiling

Danny Buck dannycbuck at msn.com
Mon Feb 3 16:09:16 UTC 2014

Our experience here in New Mexico was that the roof structure gave us a lot of voids between bales that were very challenging to pack. If it is a true attic with a flat open surface to work off of, that would be different.


The surface of the bale that is accessible to air (oxygen) is best sealed with a plaster. 


Danny Buck

Daniel Buck Construction, Inc.

----- Original Message ----- 

From: Feile Butler<mailto:feile at mudandwood.com> 

To: Global Straw Building Network<mailto:GSBN at sustainablesources.com> 

Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 2:57 AM

Subject: [GSBN] Straw Bale Insulated Ceiling

Hi All


I have clients who are considering insulating above the ceiling with straw bales. They have a large attic which could easily accommodate the bales and plenty of outbuildings, so they don't need the attic for storage.


I have never detailed a straw bale ceiling before, but would like to explore the idea. 


One of my main concerns is fire. Is it enough to encapsulate the bales within plasterboard/clayboard on both sides (top and bottom)? If we want to deck out the floor above the bales, would it be enough to coat them in a lime or earth plaster before building up the floor above them? Is there any data out there about the behaviour of straw bales in ceilings that I can show the building control officer, particularly with regard to fire?


Any advice on or experience of straw bale insulated ceilings would be very welcome.






Féile Butler

MRIAI B.Arch Dip. Arch Conservation Grade III

Mud and Wood

Grange Beg, Skreen, Co. Sligo, Ireland


T:  +353 (0) 71 930 0488

M: +353 (0) 86 806 8382

E : feile at mudandwood.com<about:blank>

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