[GSBN] SB highway wall in Nevada

martin hammer mfhammer at pacbell.net
Wed Mar 20 22:45:30 UTC 2013

Hello again John,

This from Rick Green (and a remarkable photo of the wall attached!):


The project is located at the north end of the Las Vegas Springs Preserve at
the junction of Hwy 95 and Valley View.  We did a total of seven buildings
within the Desert Living Center made from straw bale, rammed earth, or a
combination of the two.  A web search for the Desert Living Center should
give you a lot of information.  I will locate some pictures and get them
down to you.

The wall was built before the buildings and was completed I believe in 2004.
The sections were ten feet wide and varied in height, so we made 1/2 bales
here and shipped them as full blocks, to the installers only had to cut the
outside added strings, and could then just stack the bales.  There were
10,000 bales total, and I think we made up 4,000 half bales.  The wall is
functioning well, and from the Hwy 95 side is very attractive, as it
displays colorful precast concrete panels with customizable insets, which
advertise coming attractions at the Preserve.

The rough surface on the south side of the wall was intentional, to absorb
the intense heat, rather than reflect it back on the plants close to it.  As
far as sound attenuation, the wall performs very well, as you might expect.
I have a lot of first hand information on the Desert Living Center if that
is of interest to you.
Take care,

An impressive wall, that given the 10¹ width Rick describes, looks to be 25¹
tall.  No idea how it is constructed, and not sure about all that I¹m
looking at in the photo (the top cap, the pieced vertical ³columns², the

In any case, there it is.  I¹ll forward any additional information that Rick


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