[GSBN] 2 books gift: Vitruvius and Natural Glue

Van Krieken vankrieken at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 21:48:34 UTC 2013

Actually, there is a report about urea-resin glue replacing casein glues in
aircraft construction. I understand that In UK, those days,  they did not
use the casein glues because milk was much more important for people
I attach the report.

In 1967, the US Department of Agriculture published a new document, Casein
Their Manufacture, Preparation, And Applicatrion:

"The  principal  ingredients  of  a  casein  glue  are  casein,  water,
 hydrated  lime,
and  sodium  hydroxide.  A  glue  can  be  prepared  with  casein,  water,
 and  hydrated
lime.  A  properly  proportioned  mixture  of  these  three  substances
 will  give  a
glue  of  high  water  resistance,  but  its  working  life  will  be  very
 short.  A  glue
can  also  be  prepared  of  casein,  water,  and  sodium  hydroxide.  When
prepared  such  a  glue  will  have  excellent  dry  strength  and  a  long
 working  life,
but  it  will  not  be  water-resistant  in  the  sense  ordinarily
 applied  to  casein
glues.  By  adjusting  the  proportions  of  sodium  hydroxide  and  lime,
 glues  of
high  water  resistance  and  convenient  working  life  may  be  obtained"

See the attach.

I want to use a glue for cork tiles, but also as a binder for the cork
aglomerate. I apreciate all sugestions and help.


All the best


On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 8:30 PM, Lars Keller <larskeller at gmail.com> wrote:

> Very interesting and thank you very much.
> Also the Gutenborg.org was new to me.
> The casein glue...
> In our kitchen we have used a simplified version [1 lime : 5 casein;
> water, mixed and left for 20 minutes] to glue down cork tiles to a
> wooden-plate subfloor.
> It has worked well for now 7 years. The clue hardened slow, so we weighted
> down the tiles with bricks.
> I made a few samples, gluing 2x4's together. I couldnt wrench them apart.
> But after soaking in water they fell apart. I assume the waterglass makes a
> big difference.
> Best regards,
> Lars
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