[GSBN] GSBN Subscriber list, 11/5/12

Bill Christensen lists at sustainablesources.com
Fri Nov 9 04:02:28 UTC 2012

On 11/8/12 1:11 PM, RT the chaffy yahoo wrote:
> Would it be worthwhile to give (sell ?) (hold for ransom ?) all GSBN 
> listmembers a "sustainablesources.com"  edress ?
Not an entirely unworthy idea.

> Listmembers would be responsible for setting up that edress for POP 
> mail or forwarding in their own mail programs.
Right.  Spoken as someone who has never dragged their Luddite, 
throwback, clueless, greenie clients (and I say that with all respect 
for all my friends and colleagues from those camps) kicking and 
screaming into the modern age of email, nor has had to do tech support 
when they forget how to do the the simplest of tasks ("just click the 
SEND button"), if they ever actually knew those tasks in the first 
place.  A legendary story from our early days was the time the good ol' 
boy from west Texas actually asked "Whutcha mean 'double-cleeck'?"

Great idea, but I have enough thankless work as is.
> One notes that more than a few GSBN Listmembers have acquired webmail 
> accounts in addition to their "official" accounts presumably in part, 
> because they aren't always in a location where they can use the 
> servers associated with their "real" accounts ... but I'm told that 
> outfits like hotmail, Gmail, YAhoo! etc do all sorts of nefarious 
> things like mine messages and edress books ... stuff that I'm *sure* 
> Wild Bill-Bob and Sustainable Sources would not do. Right ?
And there's the biggest hole in your argument. SustainableSources.com, 
Greenbuilder.com, and in fact all but a very few of our clients have 
happily been using Gmail for 6 or 7 years, ever since spam from the 
Storm Worm Botnet swamped our servers.

> And there is a certain cachet in having an edress with 
> "SustainableSources" after your name instead of "aol" or "Gmail" etc.  
> N'est-ce pas ?
Agreed, and that is the "worthy" part from my end.   Supporting those 
users, on the other hand... probably not.

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