[GSBN] FW: Straw Bale Cost Comparison Project

Joyce Coppinger jc10508 at windstream.net
Mon Oct 29 16:46:06 UTC 2012

Hello All
Forwarding this request so that you can respond if you want to. Answer
directly to Craig at <craigverson06 at gmail.com>. Would be interesting if you
also share this information through GSBN.

------ Forwarded Message
From: Craig Everson <craigeverson06 at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 09:37:05 -0700
To: <jc10508 at windstream.net>
Subject: Straw Bale Cost Comparison Project

Hi Joyce,

My name is Craig Everson, and I am a graduate student at the University of
Washington.  I am doing my research project on straw bale wall assemblies
for custom homes, and specifically on the cost of straw bale wall
assemblies.  I really want to learn how straw bale might compare to standard
residential wall assemblies in terms of cost, as well as, potential impacts
for straw bale project costs.  I wanted to talk to you because I know that
you are an expert and have built many straw bale homes.

I am looking for builders that would be willing to: (a) share some cost data
with me (from actual projects), so I can compare against standard
residential wall assemblies, and (b) do a short interview with me, to
discuss impacts (from your experience), and best uses of straw bale wall

Would you be willing to share any of this information with me?  And
participate in a short phone interview?  Of course, the information or
comments you provided will be used for my research study only.  I will also
make sure that the information confidentiality is protected.  Finally, I
will make it as painless as I possibly can for you, and I would be happy to
share the end report with you.

I look forward to your response, thank you very much for your time, and
please don¹t hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Craig Everson
craigeverson06 at gmail.com

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