[GSBN] SB buildings/contacts in the Philippines?

Jim Carfrae jim.carfrae at plymouth.ac.uk
Fri Oct 29 08:39:13 UTC 2010

I would be more concerned with the hot and humid climate of most of the Philippines than the fire risk!
(Koppen-Geiger climate classification is mostly Af and Am, Tropical rainforest and monsoon)


Jim Carfrae
PhD Research Student

Room 119, Reynolds Building
University of Plymouth
Drake Circus

jim.carfrae at plymouth.ac.uk
07880 551922
01803 862369
From: GSBN-bounces at greenbuilder.com [GSBN-bounces at greenbuilder.com] On Behalf Of Derek Roff [derek at unm.edu]
Sent: 28 October 2010 17:32
To: (private, with public archives) Global Straw Building Network
Subject: Re: [GSBN] SB buildings/contacts in the Philippines?

I'm confident that SB fire resistance isn't in the National Philippino
Building Code, because standardized fire testing hasn't yet been done
in that country.  I'm guessing that you have already suggested links to
DCAT, Ecological Building Network, and other sites with SB testing and
code summaries for the US and other countries.  Australian testing
might be of interest to the Philippino authorities.


--On Thursday, October 28, 2010 12:21 PM -0400 Mark Piepkorn
<duckchow at potkettleblack.com> wrote:

> Got a message from a Chicago-based architect I know, Amanda Roelle -
> http://www.growherechicago.com/ - who is currently in Italy and
> looking for SB buildings and contacts in the Philippines.
> I'm actually not sure what email address she's using (she contacted
> me on Facebook) so if you could either post anything you've got here,
> or send it to me, I'll get it to her. I'm not sure what she needs
> beyond the standard references regarding fire resistance.
> She wrote:
> "I am in Italy and have met up with some architects-builders who
> built straw bale houses here after an earthquake a few years ago.
> Anyway we are collaborating on a competition for disaster relief
> housing in the Philippines and are interested in using straw bale. I
> glanced over at one of their computers and noticed them perusing
> "potkettleblack" for precedents and said "hey I know that guy!" So,
> we have been researching but not much is coming up - do you know of
> any straw bale used in the Philippines of Asia-Oceania? The buildings
> have to meet National Philippino Building Code and there is nothing
> on fire resistance for straw bale. Do you happen to have any
> resources/ideas to look?"

Derek Roff
Language Learning Center
Ortega Hall 129, MSC03-2100
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
505/277-7368, fax 505/277-3885
Internet: derek at unm.edu

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