[GSBN] Question for you

Tim Owen-Kennedy timok33 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 14:59:45 UTC 2010

Well' I'm usually not one to waste a whole email to say "well done, I agree
completely" So though that's really all I want to say, I'll Add: the lack of
predictability in the process makes for a business model with too many
variables for a conventional/sane builder/developer to risk there future on.

And RIGHT ON! Chris.

I look forward to more time noodling the problems of the built environment
and playing with the fringes. Hopefully soon.

Tim "surprising himself in Haiti" O-K

On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Chris Magwood <chris at chrismagwood.ca>wrote:

>  Joyce,
> That same question can be asked about all too many systems that are
> significant improvements on their mainstream counterparts, not just straw
> bale. So there's a meta-answer to that question, and then there are straw
> bale specific answers.
> The meta-answer has to do with our natural human tendency to keep doing
> what we've always done and improve it in small, measurable ways rather than
> change to new systems. To sum it all up: Humans are good at doing things
> better, but lousy at doing better things. We'd rather tinker with slightly
> improved cars than figure out a new transportation system. Etc.
> The straw bale specific answer is one I've thought lots about. The bottom
> line is it's just too messy and inexact a technique to be put into
> widespread, mainstream use. It's next to impossible to train people to do
> straw bale without lots and lots of on-site experience. There are too many
> ways to do it, too many variables and inconsistencies. From getting the
> bales (which are always differently shaped, sized, weighted and priced) to
> the different kinds of framing, plastering, etc, the whole process is well
> suited to owner-builders or committed professionals, but no so friendly to
> the guy (and yes, I'm being gender specific here!) who just wants to build
> some houses for a living, or the developers who want to hire him to do that.
> We all love these parts of straw bale building because we're attracted to
> innovation, creativity and community involvement in building. We are a
> minority. And if you're not one of us, the whole thing is just too much to
> bother with. And having spent a long time making a living as a builder, I
> know that it was only because my clients were highly predisposed to want a
> bale building and were willing to put up with all the hiccups a bale
> building entails (tarps, mess, plaster finishes...) for all the advantages
> we know and love. But for most builders and homeowners, the scales just
> don't tip in that direction.
> This is the reason I've been so keen to develop the prefab strategy I've
> been working on. This year, we built walls for our Habitat for Humanity
> build that were cheaper than their conventionally framed option and still
> had all the benefits of bale building. They are now interested in buying
> bale walls for future projects. But this is only because they show up
> pre-plastered, and fit perfectly according to the plans. There's no way the
> same organization would consider using site baled walls.
> So I think the honest answer you need to give your questioner is that there
> are too many disadvantages to bale walls. They don't detract from all the
> things we see as advantages... those advantages are real and should be
> weighted heavily. But everybody has to weigh up their options, and from a
> mainstream point of view, the scale still tips towards bale's disadvantages.
> Chris
> On 10-10-17 12:15 PM, Joyce Coppinger wrote:
>> The other day I was asked this question:
>> If strawbale is such a good building method and material, can pass codes,
>> can be insured, can be funded through mortgage or other lending, uses a
>> crop
>> residue that is annually renewable and might otherwise go to waste, has a
>> high energy-efficiency value, can be built in most climates, if not all,
>> can
>> be built rather easily by owner/builders or professional builders, why
>> aren't there more straw-bale buildings being constructed?
>> Joyce
>> ---------------
>> Joyce Coppinger
>> Managing Editor/Publisher
>> The Last Straw, the international journal
>> of strawbale and natural building
>> PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706
>> Phone 402.483.5135
>> <thelaststraw at thelaststraw.org>
>> web site: www.thelaststraw.org
>> and our new blog at http://thelaststrawblog.org
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Tim Owen-Kennedy, Owner
Vital Systems, natural building & design
P O Box 751, Ukiah, CA 95482
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