[GSBN] Stacking Bales was thin concrete shell roofs

John Glassford jacksflat at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 01:06:10 UTC 2010

G ' day Brother

My twin brother maybe right for his California quake zone.  I am sure there
is far more to this than meets the eye.

However the last time we chatted about earthquakes was regarding the
remakable results that Darcey Donovan achieved in Reno:


or here:


Seems to me that in one of the most prone earthquake zones in the world
Darcey has got it right:

Rubble trench footings, load bearing walls and small buildings!

Time to reflect I feel.

Got to go have a film crew here at the moment lots to do!

Kind regards
John Glassford
Huff 'n' Puff Constructions
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Mountains of the Moon 2011
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