[GSBN] Design for Adaptation: Living in a Climate-Changing World

Mark Piepkorn mark at buildinggreen.com
Wed Sep 9 21:14:53 UTC 2009

 From a blog post by Alex Wilson about "Design for Adaptation: Living in 
a Climate-Changing World," the current feature story in Environmental 
Building News:

"...the reality is that it's too little, too late to prevent climate 
change. Even if the CO2 spigot were turned off tomorrow, the earth would 
still see significant warming and the other predicted impacts of climate 

"...we focus on measures for adapting to climate change. We describe 36 
strategies, organized into five categories, providing context for each 
of the categories and succinct explanation for each strategy."


(I do work at BuildingGreen. This isn't spam. This is important.)

Mark Piepkorn
mark at buildinggreen.com
802-257-7300 x 104


BuildingGreen, LLC
122 Birge St., Suite 30
Brattleboro, VT 05301

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