[GSBN] Historic SBH Tour (was re: The Scott Home), the DVD

RT ArchiLogic at yahoo.ca
Sat Apr 25 18:12:27 UTC 2009

> From: Joyce Coppinger <jc10508 at alltel.net>

> I've seen Matts play a pretty mean plastic dishpan and wooden spoon  
> number.
> Are you going to pay for the Bale-ettes' costumes, Rob?

>> On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 14:08:36 -0400, Stronzo di Nord wrote:
>>> ... recording the tour
>>> Throw in some musical accompaniment (by BaleHeads of course) and then  
>>> we might even go Hollywood with this thing.
>> On the latter point, may I suggest that the DVD open with a performance  
>> by Matts playing the musical saw, with perhaps a trio of Bale-ettes (say
>> Judy, Joyce and Athena) singing harmony ?

Given that we *are* a Natural Building list it would seem appropriate that  
the Bale-ettes costumes be "au Naturel".

However, in the unlikely event that anyone has issues with modesty etc.,  
I'd be happy to try my hand at making some costumes (simply buying them  
would be inconsistent with NatBuild philosophy), out of natural materials  
of course.

Hemp or cotton string come to mind as possible material choices.

How hard can it be to knot some pieces of string together to make some  
string bikinis ?

Anything fancier than that and I'm afraid I'd be clueless.

I don't have any problem with 100% of the proceeds of the DVD (if it gets  
made) going to the TLS.

In fact, I would encourage it and I would further suggest that if it turns  
out to be a financial success, perhaps a series of similar multi-media  
projects be undertaken -- you know, like the long-running PBS series "This  
Old House", but it'd be "This SB House" (or such-like) to help subsidise  
TLS print edition.

The Matts + Bale-ettes performance would of course, be used throughout the  
DVD series as the theme song.

=== * ===
Rob Tom
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
< A r c h i L o g i c  at  ChaffY a h o o  dot  C a >
(manually winnow the chaff from my edress in your reply)
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