[GSBN] Is it time? - NatBuild Mag

Robert Tom ArchiLogic at yahoo.ca
Tue May 27 18:37:57 UTC 2008

Mark Piepkorn <mark at buildinggreen.com> wrote:

> can't be sustainable for the world if it can't sustain itself.

Duck Foo'd;

You've been wanting to do this for quite some time so I say:

    "Go ahead. Do it.  What's the worst thing that could happen ?"

OTOH, a lot of Good Things could happen.

TBH, I don't think that it could replace your day job as a means of  
sustaining the lavish lifestyle to which you and t'missus have become  
accustomed [pause while Ducky recovers] and it would be iffy if it could  
even sustain itself, if reimbursing you for your time were to be part of  
the equation.

I do think that the magazine would pretty much be in the "Labour of Love"  
category whose appeal would be primarily to Old Geezers like ourselves,  
more for recreational reading than anything else.

For the youngsters who may actually just be getting their feet wet in  
NatBuilding and for whom such a resource might be of most benefit, I don't  
think that you'd find much support there. For them, if it's not freely  
downloadable in digital format as streaming video , fuggedabowdit.

I wouldn't have a problem with your using the POLLS function at SB-r-us to  
see what EveryPerson thinks about the idea.

=== * ===
Rob Tom
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
< A r c h i L o g i c  at chaffY a h o o  dot  c a >
manually winnow the chaff from my edress in your reply

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