[GSBN] New members

Bill Christensen billc at sustainablesources.com
Sun Jun 19 06:32:52 UTC 2022

Dodson Harper recently reminded me that Lindsey Love, an architect who 
works on straw and natural building projects was nominated and seconded 
to join this list recently.

Welcome Lindsey!

Also, I just went back through the last couple of years worth of the 
archives - it's been real quiet through the pandemic, so it didn't take 
long - and noticed that Emmanuel Laugs of the Netherlands had also been 
nominated.  He's been in lurking mode until today, when I promoted him 
to full member.

Welcome Emmanuel!

Please say Hi to the group and let us know where you are and what you've 
been up to.

Bill Christensen

"Changing random stuff until your program works is bad coding practice, but if you do it fast enough it's Machine Learning."  --original author unknownLindsey Love

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