[GSBN] [Gsbn] Important GSBN News

Dodson Harper dodson at reginc.com
Mon Mar 30 18:26:20 UTC 2020


I might have a server I could donate. Can you get a hold of me offline 
and let me know what your requirements for a new server are?


Dodson Harper, P.E. S.E.
Resource Engineering Group
Direct: 970.713.0986
Cell: 970.209.3938
dodson at reginc.com

------ Original Message ------
From: "bobregon" <bobregon at austin.rr.com>
To: "Global Sustainable Building Network" 
<gsbn at lists.sustainablesources.com>
Sent: 3/30/2020 12:16:28 PM
Subject: Re: [GSBN] [Gsbn] Important GSBN News

>Same here
>Ben Obregon
>Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
>-------- Original message --------
>From: Mark Jensen <bigmconst at gmail.com>
>Date: 3/30/20 11:59 AM (GMT-06:00)
>To: Global Sustainable Building Network 
><gsbn at lists.sustainablesources.com>
>Subject: Re: [GSBN] [Gsbn] Important GSBN News
>I concur with Nehemiah. I would be willing to contribute.
>On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 10:55 AM Nehemiah Stone 
><nehemiah at stoneenergyassc.com> wrote:
>>If you start a go-fund-me page, I would put $50 in to help the cause, 
>>and I am sure that many others would too.
>>Stone Energy Associates
>>PO Box 324 Loomis, CA 95650
>>(916) 663-1225
>>“There is infinite hope, only not for us.” Franz Kafka
>>“There is no hope, except for us.” Jonathon Franzen
>>From: GSBN <gsbn-bounces at lists.sustainablesources.com> On Behalf Of 
>>Bill Christensen
>>Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 7:55 PM
>>To: David Arkin, AIA <david at arkintilt.com>
>>Cc:gsbn at lists.sustainablesources.com
>>Subject: Re: [GSBN] [Gsbn] Important GSBN News
>>Hi all,
>>The Straw Bale Registry server started giving me problems just last 
>>week... it is currently offline, and since we're under "stay at home" 
>>orders here in Austin, TX, it'll probably be next week at the 
>>earliest, possibly the week after that before I can address the 
>>problem.  The Registry is the only thing on that server.
>>The Registry server and the software that runs the Registry are both 
>>pretty old.  I've been wanting to completely overhaul it and expand 
>>the scope for years, but I don't have any funding to do that - We 
>>received some funding to build it initially (shout out to Catherine 
>>Wanek), but there's been pretty much nothing ever since.
>>I have the data from the Registry downloaded of course.  I suspect 
>>it'll take a fair bit of work to make it usable. I also suspect that 
>>the contact info for a fair number of the listed buildings is waaaay 
>>out of date as we've done nothing to remind people to update their 
>>listings for a very long time. But we do have location info, if 
>>someone wanted to follow up on that.
>>You can see some of the data by going to 
>>  They didn't archive all the way down in many cases, and of course 
>>they could only see the info which is publicly visible.  A lot of SB 
>>people are pretty adamant about their privacy and we took pains to 
>>insure that we could collect data about their SBs without making it 
>>public except in a general aggregate form.
>>Remember also that some years into this project, State Farm decided to 
>>use the Registry to identify and deny insurance to SB homes - the 
>>exact opposite of our intent.  That resulted in further restrictions 
>>on what identifying info we were able and willing to share.  I'm 
>>pretty sure that occurred prior to the oldest data on archive.org 
>>On 3/27/20 8:55 PM, David Arkin, AIA wrote:
>>>Hello Bill / GSBN and Sustainable Sources:
>>>Hope this finds you well, in these times in particular.
>>>I was looking for the Straw Bale Registry and the link provided by 
>>>Google wouldn’t open … curious if it now has a new address as well, 
>>>or otherwise?
>>>One of our members has a project idea to query the registry for their 
>>>insurance and finance experience, and ideally the information 
>>>gathered is made available to others who might be struggling with one 
>>>or both of these, both potential homeowners as well as many current 
>>>ones located in fire-prone areas in particular.
>>>Would be please to hear your thoughts on the survey project, and 
>>>whether it could be added to the database or just solicited 
>>>Be well, stay kind,
>>>David / CASBA
>>>>On Jan 22, 2020, at 9:22 PM, Bill Christensen 
>>>><billc at sustainablesources.com> wrote:
>>>>Hi everyone!
>>>>I have a couple of important news items:
>>>>1) GSBN has moved to a new server, and the address has changed.  
>>>>Please be sure that you use the address 
>>>>"gsbn at lists.sustainablesources.com" (we added the "lists." part to 
>>>>the previous address) in all future emails.  I may be able to get 
>>>>the old address to forward over to the new, but it'll be best if you 
>>>>just use the new address.
>>>>We were offline for a while in the fall due to software issues, and 
>>>>I'll be forwarding the two emails the list received during our 
>>>>downtime to the list as soon as I'm done with this one.
>>>>2) I now have time to put together something I've wanted to do for a 
>>>>long time: an online video meeting.  We can use Zoom or GoToMeeting 
>>>>- I'm open to suggestions - and talk about what is going on in the 
>>>>world of Straw, Earth, and Sustainable Building.
>>>>The idea would be to have quarterly or monthly video meetups, record 
>>>>them, and post them to YouTube or similar.
>>>>The first one would probably just be a round-table type free for 
>>>>all, but later ones could center on a particular topic or a 
>>>>presentation by one of our esteemed contributors.
>>>>I'm thinking that the first meeting could be sometime in February. 
>>>>Let's discuss dates and times and, if anyone is particularly 
>>>>familiar with various technologies, that too.
>>>>Bill Christensen
>>>>http://SustainableSources.com <http://sustainablesources.com/>
>>>>http://LinkedIn.com/in/billc108 <http://linkedin.com/in/billc108>
>>>>“A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention
>>>>with the possible exceptions of handguns and Tequila.” — Mitch Ratcliffe
>>>>Gsbn mailing list
>>>>Gsbn at lists.sustainablesources.com
>>>*  *  *  *  *
>>>Arkin Tilt Architects
>>>Ecological Planning & Design
>>>1101 8th St. #180, Berkeley, CA 
>>>510/528-9830 ext. 202
>>>David Arkin, AIA, Architect
>>>LEED Accredited Professional
>>>CA #C22459/NV #5030
>>>Co-Director, California Straw Building Association
>>>CASBA is a project of the Tides Center
>>>"There is no way to peace. Peace is the way."
>>>— A. J. Muste
>>Bill Christensen
>>“A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention
>>with the possible exceptions of handguns and Tequila.” — Mitch Ratcliffe
>>GSBN mailing list
>>GSBN at lists.sustainablesources.com
>Mark Jensen
>Big M Construction
>PO Box 1596
>Bozeman, MT 59771
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