[GSBN] Adrian Leaman request for studies on SB

Tom Woolley tom.woolley at btconnect.com
Wed Mar 18 11:32:06 UTC 2020

Dear friends

Adrian Leaman has contacted me trying to find studies on the energy performance of strawbale buildings

Most of you may not have heard of Adrian, but he and his colleague Bill Bordass are heroes of the sustainable building movement for many years
Having campaigned for the importance of post occupancy evaluation of buildings through their Usable Buildings Trust
https://usablebuildings.co.uk/WebGuideAL/Summary.html <https://usablebuildings.co.uk/WebGuideAL/Summary.html>

Adrian is not a member of GSBN but I am sure that many of you would be willing to help him

I can trawl back through the archives but if anyone would like to communicate directly with Adrian that would be great



Dr. Tom Woolley
80 Church Road
BT30 9HR
Tel: 028 44 831164

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