[GSBN] Administrivia part 2

Bill Christensen billc at sustainablesources.com
Thu Jan 30 09:17:50 UTC 2020

Hi all,

Shortly after sending out the previous question about Bob Gough's 
address bouncing (sadly, he has passed away), I received a batch of 
additional bounce reports.  Let me know (again, off list) if you know 
the current email address or any other relevant info about any of the 
following. They will be removed from GSBN, since they're obviously not 
receiving the email.  As a precaution I emailed each of them separately 
from a different account and those also bounced, so it seems safe to 
publish the extinct email here.

Paul Koppana    paulkoppana at hotmail.com

Tracy Thieriot, Little River, CA USA tracy at tactileplastering.com

Dawn Smith, Vancouver Island, BC Canada    dawn at islandvillagebuilders.ca

Joyce Coppinger - USA Nebraska jc10508 at windstream.net

Sarah  Seitz    sarahseitz5 at yahoo.com

Paul Lacinski, Ashfield, MA USA paul at greenspacecollaborative.com

Guillermo Mora guillermora19 at yahoo.com.mx

Ian Redfern     ian at adobesouth.co.nz

Kim Thompson - Ship Harbour NS Canada shipharbour at ns.sympatico.ca

Barbara Jones. England strawworks at strawworks.co.uk

Mark Aschheim, Santa Clara University, California      maschheim at scu.edu

Robert Gay - Tucson, AZ, USA valleymind at earthlink.net

Michel Post     michel at strobouw.nl


*There are also a few which have not bounced my personal mail (yet), but 
have not responded yet either and were bouncing from the list mail. Let 
me know off list if you have any relevant info on any of these.

Evgeny Shirokov - Belarus <iaebd at mail.ru>

Geert Goffin - ESBN, Belgium <info at casacalida.be>



Bill Christensen

“A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention
with the possible exceptions of handguns and Tequila.” — Mitch Ratcliffe

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