[GSBN] CASBA's 'Straw Bale Building Details' Book on Sale 'til May 31st - Order Yours Today! - Call for Photos and Data on Large Scale Carbon Storing Buildings

David Arkin, AIA david at arkintilt.com
Wed May 29 19:52:24 UTC 2019

Hello GSBN:

First and foremost, and without further delay, we invite you to order your copy of ‘Straw Bale Building Details - An Illustrated Guide for Design and Construction’ by CASBA:

https://www.newsociety.com/Books/S/Straw-Bale-Building-Details <https://www.newsociety.com/Books/S/Straw-Bale-Building-Details> 

Use the code Strawbale25 at newsociety.com <https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fnewsociety.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3o3Ss8nH3wBv-oyRBhTTni5LP2DrRc6HZrANdghHYzoADngwt0Mhstgco&h=AT1ygh_9rPU0EMPsHNx-rSCG-zCl0LzSAx1I7lz45SbbsAGc1I1pxRvOZCUnFsasSKYtrSZzfFO3HkWGijpAn1Y-V92S_sHZ1QBdJTMEMwoty1XjdZswqUO_0fSD6YDo3HJg4LM> to get 25% off the book until May 31st. 

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Recently a website ran a conversation with two of our authors, managing editor and builder Jim Reiland and architect Bob Theis - the conversation offers some wonderful insights into the book:
https://permies.com/t/113261/Jim-Reiland-Bob-Theis-authors <https://permies.com/t/113261/Jim-Reiland-Bob-Theis-authors> 

Here’s one gem of insight, from Jim:  "The content of the book was drawn from the collective experience of over sixty contributors who have worked on hundreds, if not thousands of straw bale buildings over the past twenty plus years.  We all volunteered our time and expertise to this project.  Bob and I are among the twenty principal contributors who played a somewhat larger role in writing chapters, creating details and illustrations, and organizing and editing the project.  CASBA is a non-profit organization devoted to furthering the practice of straw building by facilitating the exchange of current information and practical experience, promoting and conducting research, and making that body of knowledge available to working professionals and the public at large.   All proceeds earned from book sales are earmarked to support research and development of straw as a building material."

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Lastly, Craig White, Chris Magwood, Massey Burke and I will be presenting our collective efforts toward Taking Carbon Storing Renewable Materials To Scale in a webinar for the Embodied Carbon Network <http://embodiedcarbonnetwork.org/> on June 21st.  Our Renewable Materials Focus Group <http://embodiedcarbonnetwork.org/focus-groups/renewable-materials/> is hoping to share examples of larger scale, carbon storing buildings—primarily those built of straw and wood, but also hemp or bamboo—as a part of our presentation.  If you have designed or built, or know of good examples, please send one or two photos and a brief outline of the project (building name, use, size, location, architect, builder, and any carbon data) to me david at arkintilt.com <mailto:david at arkintilt.com> and Craig White craig.white at modcell.com <mailto:craig.white at modcell.com>  Thank you!

We have several good examples, but as one of our goals is to show the mainstream building world that large carbon storing buildings are already being done, we can’t have too many!

Our Focus Group has been contributing to Architecture 2030’s Carbon Smart Materials Palette <https://materialspalette.org/> and we are grateful to Chris Magwood for sharing so much of his thesis study toward this effort, and toward creating comparisons with the High (negative) Impact Materials.

Thanks (and don’t forget to order your Detail Book today!), 

David Arkin / CASBA

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Arkin Tilt Architects
Ecological Planning & Design

Please Support my 2019 Climate Ride California Central Coast, June 12-16, with a fundraising goal of $3,000 to support Carbon Smart Materials including Straw
Thank you!

David Arkin, AIA, Architect
LEED Accredited Professional
CA #C22459/NV #5030

1101 8th St. #180, Berkeley, CA  94710
510/528-9830 ext. 202

"There is no way to peace. Peace is the way."
— A. J. Muste 

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