[GSBN] [Strawbale] [SB-r-us] Re: Would you be willing to help me test new email list software?

John Glassford jacksflat at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 23:14:16 UTC 2014


So what is the answer if Facebook is not the way to go?

It is very obvious that the SB-r-us list is non compus mentus i.e. dead.
 GSBN sometimes gets a spark then fades away for weeks if not months.

We should be asking what do people want?  Most I would surmise use Google
to get info say type in whatever Straw Bale House and go from there.  That
is how we get our business via our web site not SB-r-us or GSBN.  I loved
the banter on SB-r-us but I doubt very much that it is ever going to work

I was with the CREST list and have been around ever since those days around
1995 but times change so maybe we should be asking ourselves what do we
want as a group/s.  Then we need to ask how many, how much time and what

I am fast approaching 3 score and ten in two moons and I am still on the
tools and will die on the tools love the work.  I can say that I have
missed the list SB-r-us and the Facebook page on straw bale building is
nothing like SB-r-us but does provide plenty of photos and info.

It is instant stuff blink and you miss it and going through the posts takes
time however if it is a closed group and by invitation then it may work who

I just know that Yahoo is not the answer anymore.

The Straw Wolf


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