[GSBN] [Strawbale] [SB-r-us] Re: Would you be willing to help me test new email list software?

John Glassford jacksflat at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 21:52:55 UTC 2014

G ' day Sherwood

You say NOT Facebook as it does not have any usable archiving.  Why do we
need archiving for a discussion group?

I used to send masses of files to the Yahoo list why?  Does anyone read
them.  They are now all out of date and only historical.

If one wants history read the Straw Bale House.

I see the Internet as instant and gone it is an information highway and
people want answers now or they simply go elsewhere.

I just do not have the time to keep up with all the list servers that are
now dying slowly and in SB-r-us probably beyond salvage.

I prefer Facebook.


Coolamon Rotary Club <http://club.coolamonrotary.com/>

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