[GSBN] Saving the Feuillette's house
Noé Solsona
noe at anarchitecture.org
Thu Oct 3 19:33:16 UTC 2013
Dear straw balers,
In few days, maybe we are saving the Feuillete's house or not!!!
We need your help to preserve our straw patrimony.
Read the following lines.
Please, can you diffuse this mail on your national network.
Thanks a lot in advance.
For all informations : contact at maisonfeuillette.fr
Feuillette's team.
Dear Friends of strawbale construction,
I hope that you have ever heard about the Feuillette’s house. It is the first house made of straw in Europe and the first one built with a wooden frame filled with straw in the World! It is 93 years old and in an excellent condition!
And we need your help!
In fact, the house needs to be protected and the only way to do it right now is to buy it. Thanks to many people, we have already received 40 000€. Next to this, we can get up to 100 000€, thanks to a foundation that helps saving old buildings. Now, to make sure that we really buy it, we need another 70 000€.
If just 300 people give 100€, or if 1000 people give just 30€, the Feuillette’s house can be saved!
So please, we are in hurry. Don’t hesitate and make a donation!
Link to make a donation : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/centre-7/tous-les-projets-378/detail-maison-feuillette-14591
Link to the website of the project : http://maisonfeuillette.compaillons.eu/
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