[GSBN] Prefab straw bale systems for TLS

John Glassford jacksflat at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 06:48:06 UTC 2013

G ' day Andre

I agree with your observations on the cost of straw pre-fab panels are at
the high end of the scale as far as straw bale building goes.

Initially the development, testing and marketing side of the panels is
costly.  Production costs to make these panels will reduce as the
techniques improve and the output increases with experience.

We have been tinkering with all of the above for a long time now and we
feel we are now in a good position.

The main advantage is the speed these walls go up ready for roofing in a
very short time.  This will reflect in the end price due to the reduction
in labour costs.

At the moment the walls only constitute 20-30% of the total build of a
pre-fab panel straw bale building.  The other costs are equal when
comparing methods used for the foundation, floor, roofing, windows doors
fit out and so on.  Then that applies to any straw bale house unless it is
a vault!

So there is a saving to be had from pre-fab straw panels if built by
professional  builders versus owner builders.

Here most straw bale homes are competitive to any other form of building
and most professional builders start at $1,500 per square metre and ever
upwards.  Some owner builders in our experience have built for $500 per
square metre using straw bales.  We also know of straw bale buildings to
cost up to $4,000 per square metre here in Australia.

The pre-fab straw panels offers the professional builder and designers a
good option when considering straw bales.  Our experience suggests that
there is a good future for this technology.  We are also working on a
portable factory system for developing nations where the cost of labour is
low and community can get involved to build and finish a home that looks
like concrete blocks.

Anyhow think on Andre it maybe a good way to get the professional builders
to take up straw bale building, who knows.

Kind regards
Susan and John Glassford
Huff 'n' Puff Constructions
61 2 6927 6027
In Australia (02) 6927 6027
Mobile 0412 11 61 57

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