[GSBN] Mechanized Cob Workshop: Using an excavator to mix and applycob

Feile at Mud and Wood feile at mudandwood.com
Fri Sep 27 08:48:24 UTC 2013

Sorry - the link doesn't seem to be going to the right place on the page.

If you want to look at the 2012 Course, try clicking here - http://www.mudandwood.com/news-and-articles.html#courses

For the 2013 Course - try clicking here - http://www.mudandwood.com/news-and-articles.html#eightday

And if that doesn't work - on the News and Articles Page, you can scroll down in the Archives until you get to "Take a look at some Courses Mud and Wood has run to Date - 27th July 2012" and "2013 8-Day Intensive Mud and Wood Course - 16th June 2013".


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Feile at Mud and Wood 
  To: Global Straw Building Network 
  Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 9:38 AM
  Subject: Re: [GSBN] Mechanized Cob Workshop: Using an excavator to mix and applycob

  Hi Mischa

  Best of luck with the cob course.

  Just to say we have been running 8-day courses for the past 2 years in Ireland teaching digger mixing cob and using forms to speed up the process. The course is very much aimed at building larger cob structures as family homes, etc. We have a big emphasis on building regulation compliance (which can present its own challenges!). You can click here for a link to the 2012 course and 2013 course.

  We always start with foot-mixing for a day as it is an invaluable introduction to getting to know the material. It also always blows our students minds how quickly the process goes once you move from foot- to digger-mixing. It really makes them appreciate the value of using the digger.

  Hope you get plenty of people signing up. And if you know anyone who like to learn about it on this side of the pond, put them in touch with us!

  Kind Regards

  Féile Butler
  MRIAI B.Arch Dip. Arch Conservation Grade III

  Mud and Wood

  Grange Beg, Skreen, Co. Sligo, Ireland

  T:  +353 (0) 71 930 0488 

  M: +353 (0) 86 806 8382

  E : feile at mudandwood.com

  W: www.mudandwood.com

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Misha Rauchwerger 
    To: Global Straw Building Network 
    Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 7:05 AM
    Subject: [GSBN] Mechanized Cob Workshop: Using an excavator to mix and applycob

    Hi Everyone,

    I thought there may be folks out there on this list serve either interested in taking this possibly one-of-a-kind cob workshop, or you may have networks, email lists, etc. to get the word out to interested parties.  I would very much appreciate the assistance.  I think it may be a different crowd than is typically drawn to cob workshops, so appealing to the professional side of natural building seems like it may have a better chance of reaching interested parties.


    Misha Rauchwerger



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