[GSBN] Ever had trouble finding the natural building information you need?

Bruce King bruce at ecobuildnetwork.org
Fri May 17 23:04:50 UTC 2013

Have you ever gone searching through your office or hard drive looking for a report or web link that had just the right stuff about the insulation value of straw-clay, or the strength of bamboo, or instructional videos for earthen floor finishes?

I sure have.  So we've started building an online, collaborative library of natural building, try and get as much as possible in one place -- a commons.  I'd still like to make it a lot easier to use and cleaner looking, but anyway it's started.  It would be great if y'all could go have a look, sign in, check it out, and add to it anything you may have that other natural builders might find useful.

Thanks, let me know what you think,

Bruce King

Ecological Building Network (EBNet)
(415) 987-7271

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