[GSBN] Build well library

Frank Tettemer frank at livingsol.com
Wed May 15 20:58:45 UTC 2013

Bruce, this is fantastic.
Thanks for instigating this, and sticking to it! What a fine resource!

And from the photo, I can guess who helped organize and stock the 
shelves. (I'm making assumptions here.) Congrats to your daughter for 
all her hard work.

I didn't look, but am betting that ASRi has a fresh addition to the 
library.  Dawn, Steve, et al, have been slaving away with the various 
rewrites, and I am very enthused by what they are doing.

Frank Tettemer
Living Sol ~ Building and Design
613 756 3884

Bruce King wrote:

While I'm at it, I should add that "here" is the collaborative natural 
building library that many of us have talked about.  It is launched, and 
certainly needs more work, but please check it out, download anything 
you find, and upload any cool papers, tests, video links or other 
resources you think the community could use.

*More on that soon . . .*



Bruce King

(415) 987-7271
Skype: brucekingokok
Twitter: @brucekinggreen


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