[GSBN] A bit of humor

Jacob Deva Racusin buildnatural at googlemail.com
Sat Apr 20 23:01:41 UTC 2013

Greetings, GSBN community,

Thanks for having me on board as a verbal member, I'm honored after 
years of lurking to join the conversation.  I hope you don't regret 
opening a minor floodgate, many of you already know of my verbosity...

The timing of my becoming a posting member couldn't be more 
serendipitous, coinciding with the release of our new natural building 
documentary.  By way of introduction to those of you I've not yet met, 
here's a good way to make a bad first impression (I'm the obnoxious guy 
in the straw hat):


Enjoy, I look forward to the conversations to come!


Jacob Deva Racusin
New Frameworks Natural Building, LLC
P.O. Box 15, Montgomery, VT 05470
(802) 782-7783 (c)
(802) 326-2209 (h)
jacob at newframeworks.com

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