[GSBN] 2 books gift: Vitruvius and Natural Glue

Lars Keller larskeller at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 20:30:17 UTC 2013

Very interesting and thank you very much.
Also the Gutenborg.org was new to me.

The casein glue...
In our kitchen we have used a simplified version [1 lime : 5 casein; water,
mixed and left for 20 minutes] to glue down cork tiles to a wooden-plate
It has worked well for now 7 years. The clue hardened slow, so we weighted
down the tiles with bricks.

I made a few samples, gluing 2x4's together. I couldnt wrench them apart.
But after soaking in water they fell apart. I assume the waterglass makes a
big difference.
Best regards,
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