[GSBN] 2 books gift: Vitruvius and Natural Glue

Van Krieken vankrieken at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 19:25:51 UTC 2013

Hi everybody


I want to share with all of you 2 recent and very interesting books I

1. The Ten Books of Architecture was writen by Vitruvius, a roman
architect, more then 2 thousand years ago... There you may find the
formulas to make the right mixtures of lime with pozolanas, floors, etc.
And as we still can find some of those floors, it seems that the formulas
should be the good ones.. Take a look to Books 2 and 7


2. The second book its more recent, from 1930. I was looking for a glue
 formula to use in woods, and I found this one, used on wood airplanes in
1930 and 1940. And if it was so good to planes,  it will be enough to our
houses... The formula I use its the one from caseine  (made from pure cow
milk). See attach with the formulas. If you need the complete book just
email me. The good formula its formula 11.
Despite the formula was open, the fact that it was sucessfully used in
airplanes was kept confidential until same years ago. Its quite interesting
that the formula was developed at the Forest Products Laboratory, and
covered by U. S. Patent No. 1291396, which is available for the free use of
the people of the United States.
This is a good example of knowledgement used for everybody progress!

Hope you enjoy

Jorge Van Krieken
Investigative Journalist & BioConstruction Researcher
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