[GSBN] rice hull moving equipment question

Derek Roff derek at unm.edu
Thu Aug 2 08:47:05 UTC 2012

The three numbers that I've seen people quote for moving particles via air are static pressure, volumetric air flow, and velocity.  A shop vac rates OK for velocity, and low for the other two.  This limits the amount and kind of particles that it can move.  I've never tried a shop vac on rice hulls, and it might work, as Tony suggests.  On the other hand, a powerful shop vac can cost as much as, or more than, a modest woodworking dust collector.  


On Aug 1, 2012, at 1:41 PM, Anthony Novelli wrote:

> Greetings Friends,
> The first thing that came to mind in trying to move a lot of rice hulls was to use a good sized shop vac. Seems like you could attach one to the top of a 55-gal drum and rotate the drums out?
> I certainly defer to Paul for the best solution, though curious as to why this wouldn't work and be fairly inexpensive?
> Best wishes all-round.
> Tony

Derek Roff
derek at unm.edu

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