[GSBN] rice hull moving equipment question

Anthony Novelli anthony.novelli at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 19:41:14 UTC 2012

Greetings Friends,

The first thing that came to mind in trying to move a lot of rice hulls was to use a good sized shop vac. Seems like you could attach one to the top of a 55-gal drum and rotate the drums out?

I certainly defer to Paul for the best solution, though curious as to why this wouldn't work and be fairly inexpensive?

Best wishes all-round.

Tony Novelli
Office Manager
Vital Systems Natural Building and Design
PO Box 751, Ukiah, CA 95482
707-468-7488 • 707-462-3765 f
anthony.novelli at gmail.com

Anthony Novelli
Assistant Director
Development Center for 
Appropriate Technology - California Office
2101 Wellmar Dr. Ukiah, CA 95482
(520) 360-8858 • www.dcat.net
anthony.novelli at gmail.com

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