[GSBN] 7th annual NBNE gathering, Feb 24-26th, Buffalo

ejgeorge at riseup.net ejgeorge at riseup.net
Mon Jan 23 04:44:58 UTC 2012

In case anyone interested in this isn't already on the NBNE listserve:

7th Annual Natural Builders Northeast Gathering
Buffalo, NY
24-26 February 2012

Natural Builders Northeast covers Northeastern US - New England, New  
York, & midAtlantic states, even encroaching into Cannuck territory.  
Like GSBN, both our email list (and annual gathering) is invitation  
only, so if you'd like to join us let me know and I'll pass your name  
on to the group. There's enough NBNE'rs on this list, I'm sure someone  
will second you - Mark Piepkorn, Andy Mueller, Chris Magwood...and the  
apparently geographically disinclined Derek Roff :)

This is always a quasi-casual affair, with a mix of presentations,  
group discussions, break-out sessions and tours of local buildings  
combined with lots of great food, camaraderie and a little Petcha  
Kutcha to boot. Focus this year is Natural Building in Urban Settings.

Presentation topics:
Urban Natural Building
Deconstruction and Material ReUse (Guest Speaker: Michael Gainer)
Bioremediation/Storm and Waste water management (Guest Speaker: Dave Majewski)
Rating Systems

Group Discussion topics:
New Building Details
Shop Talk (always likely to include favorite tools, air sealing  
issues, cold climate details, etc)
Finishes and Finishing

Breakout Session topics:
Material Reuse
Whole Site Design/Build
Community & Diversity

Tours to include:
2 strawbale houses, a strawbale greenhouse, community earthen oven,  
Zero-Energy home, and Frank Lloyd Wright's Darwin Martin house

The gathering will be held at the CEM community building in Buffalo,  
with plenty of floor space for your sleeping bag (some local host  
options may also be available, or local hotels etc). Cost will be  
somewhere between $70-100 including space, food, presentation  
equipment, etc.

Buffalo is easily accessible by train, plane, car, or bus - if you  
don't drive yourself, someone local can pick you up from either the  
station or airport.

Food will include our annual BYO-favorite-topping pizza party and  
Sunday pancake breakfast, plus local foods cooked up by the Buffalo  

Again, let me know if you'd like to join us!


ej George, CSBA
Tugley Wood Timberframing
6301 Searsburg Road
Trumansburg, NY 14886

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