[GSBN] Current list of GSBN subscribers/ welcome Eric Maddern

Bill Christensen billc at greenbuilder.com
Sun Dec 18 21:44:24 UTC 2011

Hi all,

I just sent you each a copy of the current list of GSBN subscribers.  
Hopefully I got all the corrections from the last round.  It was sent 
offlist so it wouldn't go into the archives.

One reason I'm doing this now is in preparation for opening up GSBN 
"lurk mode" subscriptions.

Please check to make sure I have your information correct.  If you 
happen to notice anyone who *should* be on the list and isn't, please 
feel free to nominate them.

ALSO, I've added Tom Wooley's recent nomination, Eric Maddern, to the list.

Bill Christensen


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