[GSBN] Mapping the Decision making process of designing a Straw build house.

Caroline Meyer White hojtpaastraa at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 10:18:37 UTC 2011

Dear All,

I am starting a small project as a part of my Architectural Engineering
program, where I aim to map the decision making process of desinging a
Straw bale house. It should consider all aspects regarding: Site specific
conditions, design specific requirements, economy, skilled/non-skilled
labour, available materials, money lending options - lacking options,
insurance problems, weather conditions etc etc.
To test that I am not intending to make what has already been made, I would
like to hear if any of you out there already have developed or have come
across such a process flow chart or decision making guide of some sort and

If you are a designer or contractor and you would be interested in
participating in a survey regarding the development of these
'guidelines for design decisions', please contact me off-line and I will be
very grateful and get back to you!

- from a rare beautiful sunny Danish end-November day.

Caroline, Tahir, Noah

Friland 23, 8410 Rønde tlf. (+45) 40 76 19 80, skypename:
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