[GSBN] Embodied/embedded energy figures

Derek Roff derek at unm.edu
Wed Oct 19 01:25:07 UTC 2011

On Oct 18, 2011, at 4:46 PM, Graeme North wrote:

> I also question (and here I risk swearing in church) the whole philosophy of tightly sealed "passiv haus"  which are then mechanically ventilated.   The energy intensive approach this embodies is also up there at the doubtful end of the spectrum it seems to me. Great until the power goes out. 

As John Straube has delineated in a number of places, the "passiv haus" standards for air sealing are neither science based, nor completely in harmony with other passiv haus goals.  That being said, this doesn't eliminate the value of mechanical ventilation in many climates and situations.  It should be a net energy-saving feature, rather than an energy consuming one.  

Derek Roff
derek at unm.edu

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