[GSBN] Nez Roof Construction

Derek Roff derek at unm.edu
Mon Sep 26 14:00:31 UTC 2011

Also available as an electronic book, in addition to printed:


This is a fairly short book, which goes from building models from soda straws and sticky tape to calculating roof loads using advanced mathematical formulas.  Unfortunately, it leaves out a lot of steps in between that I wished had been explained.  The book does contain most of the items that Rejean Geaudin mentions, including history, the process, examples of where it has been used, pros, and some hints at some of the cons, although the emphasis is on the pros.  

Best wishes,
Derek Roff

On Sep 25, 2011, at 2:09 PM, Van Krieken wrote:

> This "Nez Roof Construction" its known by "Latex Concrete Habitat - A Manual on Construction of Roofs for Recovery From World Poverty", and there is a complete manual (126 pages) by Dr. Albert Knott and Dr. George Nez, published in Canada by Trafford Publishing Company, available for purchase through
> http://bookstore.trafford.com/Products/SKU-000162510/Latex-Concrete-Habitat.aspx
> Good work
> Jorge VK
> Portugal
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 8:08 PM, Bill Christensen <billc at greenbuilder.com> wrote:
> Forwarded message from REJEAN BEAUDIN <rejean.beaudin at gmail.com> (Not on GSBN list, so please include in any responses)
> Dear GSBN members,
> I am an Architect student at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada doing my thesis on social housing.  As part of a class on Material Investigation I am researching Nez Roof Construction.
> To date, I have found very little information on the subject and am hoping someone can assist me by providing some or suggest where I might be able to find some.  Specifically, I am interested in its history, the process, examples of where it has been used,  the pros and cons, ....   photographs are also appreciated.
> http://community.webshots.com/album/172073360wvUXdN is good source of photographs but there are no descriptions of what is happening.
> Thank you for any and all assistance.
> Best regards,
> Réjean Beaudin
> M.Arch Student
> Dalhousie University
> School of Architecture
> -- 
> Bill Christensen
> <http://SustainableSources.com>
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Derek Roff
derek at unm.edu

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